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Is stevioside a sugar reducer or a health killer?
Стевиозид снижает уровень сахара или убивает здоровье?
  1. Introduction On July 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified the soda sweetener aspartame as a possible carcinogen, but said that aspartame is safe to consume with
Unlock the Cover of NMN Administration to Protects against Heart Failure
Разблокируйте крышку администрирования NMN для защиты от сердечной недостаточности
  Myocardial mitochondria are primary sites of myocardial energy metabolism. Mitochondrial disorders are associated with various cardiac diseases. Mitochondrial translation defects cause not only mitochondrial
NMN Ameliorates DNFB-induced Atopic Dermatitis(AD)-Like Symptoms
NMN улучшает симптомы, подобные атопическому дерматиту (AD), вызванные DNFB
The inflammation reaction and disruption of the skin barrier caused by oxidative stress play a crucial role in the process of Atopic Dermatitis (AD). Lipid peroxidation levels are often higher in AD patients, while antio
NMN Impacts HIV-1 Infection by Modulating Immune Activation in T cell
NMN влияет на инфекцию ВИЧ-1, модулируя иммунную активацию в Т-клетках
Vitamin D and B3 (niacin) could aid immune activation and CD4+ T cell reconstitution in INRs. NAD, vital for cellular function, declines with age, linking to various diseases. NAD boosters like NMN, NR, and NAM show prom
NAD(H)-loaded Nanoparticles for Efficient Sepsis Therapy
Наночастицы, загруженные NAD(H), для эффективной терапии сепсиса
Sepsis, marked by dysregulated infection response, lacks effective treatment. NAD+'s role in inflammation remains unclear. NAD+ transport challenges limit its therapeutic impact. Novel NAD+-loaded nanoparticles (NPs)
Diagnostic Reagent Coenzyme is a key player in clinical diagnostics
Диагностический реагент Коэнзим является ключевым игроком в клинической диагностике
In clinical diagnostics, enzymes are important biocatalysts and they play a key role in many biochemical reactions. These enzymes require coenzymes, what we call Diagnostic Reagent Coenzymes, to perform their functions.
Neuron:NMN supplementation rescues aging-induced blood-brain barrier damage
Добавки Neuron:NMN спасают от повреждений гематоэнцефалического барьера, вызванных старением
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a critical component of the central nervous system that regulates the exchange of molecules between the brain and the bloodstream. Age-related changes in the BBB can lead to increased per
Newest Study finds: NMN and Citicoline Synergistically Shield Against Memory Decline of Vascular Dementia
Новейшее исследование показало, что NMN и цитиколин синергетически защищают от снижения памяти при сосудистой деменции
Vascular dementia is one of the serious and irreversible syndromes of acquired intelligence impairment caused by a series of cerebrovascular diseases. Citicoline is the derivative of nucleo- side, which can not only exhi
Stevia vs. Sugar: Which Is the Healthier Choice?
Стевия или сахар: что здоровее?
In the quest for a healthier lifestyle, the sweetener debate continues to rage.  While sugar has long been the default choice, its adverse health effects have prompted a search for alternatives.  One such swe

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