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Beneficial Effect of NMN on the Maintenance of Neuritic Arbor in Motor Neurons
Благотворное влияние НМН на поддержание невритической бороздки в двигательных нейронах
Introduction Replenishing nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) to raise the availability of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) has been deemed as effective approach to prevent neurodegeneration in aging and pat
Metabolites of Rg3 are Expected to Increase the Anti-cancer Properties of Rg3
Ожидается, что метаболиты Rg3 увеличат противораковые свойства Rg3
Introduction Rare ginsenoside Rg3, an active extract from Panax ginseng, is reported to possess a wide range of pharmacological properties including anti-angiogenesis and anti-cancer, with high lipophilicity (esti
NR as a Driver of Macrophage Migration to Boost Chronic Wound Healing
НР как фактор миграции макрофагов для ускорения заживления хронических ран
Introduction Wound healing is a sophisticated process responding to tissue damage, which is associated with numbers of interaction of various cell types, cytokines, growth factors, and other molecules. Strikingly,
An Integrated Map of Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Effect of NMN in T2DM
Интегрированная карта молекулярных механизмов, лежащих в основе эффекта НМН при СД2
Introduction Diabetes is one of the dominant causes of death and disability worldwide, greatly affecting the life quality of patients. According to the latest data on diabetes released by the Lancet (GBD Study 202
Unraveling Impacts of Ginsenoside Rg3 Treatment on IL-1β-induced Injury of NPCs
Разгадка влияния лечения гинзенозидом Rg3 на IL-1β-индуцированное повреждение NPC
  Introduction Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) is a frequently seen orthopedic disease, which is accompanied with excessive apoptosis of nucleus pulposus cells (NPCs) and degeneration of extracellular ma
Application Value of Ginsenoside Rg3 in Targeting BCSCs to Treat Breast Cancer
Практическая ценность гинзенозида Rg3 в таргетировании BCSC для лечения рака молочной железы
Introduction Ginsenoside Rg3 is Panaxanediol type tetracyclic triterpenoid saponin monomer extracted from the root of Panax ginseng, which has a wide range of pharmacological effects including anti-tumor, neuroprotect
Fathoming Out the Role of NMN in Maintaining the Colon Health of Ageing Mice
Понимание роли NMN в поддержании здоровья толстой кишки стареющих мышей
Introduction The gut is a diverse and dynamic microbiotic system. There are about 100 trillion microorganisms in the gut, which is mainly composed of anaerobic, partially anaerobic, and aerobic bacteria. In the pr
Targeting NAD+ Salvage Pathway as a Potential Approach to Combat Obesity
Нацеливание на путь спасения НАД+ как потенциальный подход к борьбе с ожирением
Introduction Mar 4th is determined as the World Obesity Day. World Obesity Federation, UNICEF and WHO have hosted a global youth-led webinar to talk about obesity & youth. The obesity crisis has gradually attr
Tailoring Personalized Dosage Regimens of NMN Based on NAD Concentration
Разработка индивидуальных режимов дозирования НМН в зависимости от концентрации НАД
Introduction Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), one precursor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), has been ascertained to be implicated with multiple biological processes such as cellular redox regulation and

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